Liebster blog award!

We’re really excited to have received the Liebster blog award from Tall Totty at






We only wish it was a physical award show (similar to the Oscars etc) so that we could then work out what we would wear to the red carpet event…

So how do we gracefully accept this award?

Well we didn’t know much about this award until now, however here are the rules to follow:

  • When you receive the award, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you.
  • Pass the award onto 11 other blogs (make sure you tell them you nominated them!) and ask them 11 questions.
  • You are not allowed to nominate the blog who nominated you!”
  • Make sure the blogs you chose have 200 or LESS followers

11 random facts about Carmen and Natasha

1. Between us we have lived in 8 different countries

2. We both love (and let’s face it, are obsessed) with ramen. We call our lunch dates Ramen with Carmen

3. We both go through crazy dramas in our lives at the exact same time

4. Once we both found new jobs on the exact same day

5. We look pretty similar from neck down (only realised that when creating our blog and posting pics without showing our faces!)

6. We can walk into a store and know what the other one would love to wear (we admit this sounds a bit creepy)

7. We both feel that we live in airports sometimes.

8. Shopping somehow improves our moods. Retail therapy works.

9. We both love Melbourne, especially the coffee and fresh food there. Don’t get us started on the fashion there either.

10. We would both prefer to attend a dinner party with good friends on Saturday night then to go clubbing at Pangaea or Avalon.

11. We both have major hair issues in Singapore.

And now for the questions from Tall Totty!

1. What is your proudest achievement in your life?

Carmen: Not being afraid to take risks
Natasha: Follow your heart, most of the time your head tries to get in the way

2. What is your favourite thing to do on days off?

Carmen: Exploring new parts of wherever I am living, whether that be new restaurants, cafes or shops!
walking in the Botanic Gardens, going to the movies, traveling, cooking Indonesian food (it takes forever to prepare), space out while watching E channel, coffee with girlfriends, and blogging of course!

3. Where is the best place you have ever been to?

Carmen: The Maldives with my man
Natasha: Positano, Italy, with my husband

4. What is your favourite naughty treat?

Carmen: Argh there are so many! A really rich chocolate (or caramel) mud cake never goes down badly 
Where do I begin. Sticky date pudding with melted vanilla ice cream, chocolate soufflé, chocolate fondant, big fat hamburger with fries (that’s only a third of my list but that will do for now)

5. What is the best surprise you have ever received?

Carmen: When my man surprised me with Russell Peters tix (one of my favourite comedians ever!)…the show had sold out but he kept trying online until he managed to score some cancelled tickets. Best… surprise…ever!!!
When my then boyfriend proposed to me in the most amazing way ever!

6. What is your dream job?

Carmen: Being paid to travel the world and score free clothes!
Natasha: I would have to agree with Carmen’s answer. I also wish I could also do some interesting social work in Indonesia.

7. List three things you want to do before you die

Carmen: Travel to every place on my “to do list”, have children (someone needs to inherit/ clean out my wardrobe!) and get involved in a charity that really makes a difference to people’s lives
Natasha: set up a school somewhere in Indonesia (I believe education is key to reducing poverty), travel as much as I can , and rob the Chanel/Louboutin shop.

8. What is your favourite film?

Carmen: Eek that’s a hard one as I like all different genres… but I’d say some of my faves are The Matrix, The Dark Knight, Life is Beautiful, To Catch a Thief (loved Grace Kelly’s outfits!) 
Oooh…. this is difficult! Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Sliding Doors, I am Sam, Catch Me If You Can, Pretty Woman, that will do for now.

9. What is your Porn Star name? (Mother’s maiden name, combined with first pet’s name)

Carmen: I’d rather use first street lived at combined with first pet name, otherwise the name would be a dude…. so Lisa Toby.
Natasha: Theresia Maggie

10. Do you have any weird habits?

Carmen: I’m sure I do…. but I probably don’t think they are weird!
Natasha: Define weird please.

11. What is your favourite fashion piece that you own?

Carmen: arghhh the BEST question of the lot but also the most difficult to answer!! I’d have to say my coral Chanel clutch bag that was a gift. It’s classy and doesn’t scream CHANEL or designer which I like. Besides that I also love my Shanghai Tang clutch with real jade pieces on the buckle.
Natasha: Hmmmm…… I have two. One is a vintage Chanel bag that belongs to my dear mama (well I kind of borrowed it and never gave it back!), the other is a Salvatore Ferragamo embellished evening bag that was designed for Sophia Loren. I like anything that has a sentimental value to it, something I can hand down to my daughter.

And here are our questions for the nominated bloggers below!

1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go first and why?

2. If you could buy anything right now at any price, what would you purchase?

3. What is your favourite clothing brand?

4. If you had the chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where and when would you go?

5. What is your favourite blog?

6. What has been one of your highlights as a blogger?

7. What is the best decision you have ever made?

8. If you could be anyone else in the world right now, who would you be (must be alive)?

9. What is your favourite song?

10. What would your last meal be if you could choose anything?

11. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

And here are the nominated bloggers! Congrats! We are looking forward to reading your answers to the above!

11 thoughts on “Liebster blog award!

  1. Hello ladies – I got nominated for this twice *blush* so posting my answers as comments instead. Hopefully you get some fun facts about me this way!

    1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go first and why?
    Top of my list at the moment is New Zealand. Living in Singapore this past year has made me realise that the thing that makes me most happy is the great outdoors. I love looking at soaring mountains, rolling hills, sapphire blue lakes and all the wildlife that goes with it. The photos I’ve seen of New Zealand seem to capture all of that, and I can’t wait to visit.

    2. If you could buy anything right now at any price, what would you purchase?
    Top of my ultimate indulgence list for a long time has been a tan Mulberry handbag. Classic but beautiful. Plus I’d be supporting a great British brand, which is always a plus point in my book.

    3. What is your favourite clothing brand?
    I seem to be buying huge amounts of things in Zara at the moment…

    4. If you had the chance to go back in time for 24 hours, where and when would you go?
    I’d love to go back to old London – when it was full of markets and houses along the bridges. I’d love to see what my home city used to look like all those years ago. I love walking around old palaces and churches, and wondering who else has trodden there before me.

    5. What is your favourite blog?
    There are so many I love! This is a mean question 😉 I think the blog that I have read the longest and continue to love is Mademoiselle Robot [I don’t know how to put links in a comment so just Google 🙂 ]

    6. What has been one of your highlights as a blogger?
    I think the amount of community that exists out there, and the number of friends I have made as a result.

    7. What is the best decision you have ever made?
    Hmmmm… I think sticking to my guns about university, and going to Nottingham, rather than Oxford or Cambridge even though I was under a lot of pressure to do so. I met some wonderful people at university, learnt tons about myself, pursued a subject I love and met my gorgeous boyfriend Will!

    8. If you could be anyone else in the world right now, who would you be (must be alive)?
    I try not to be envious of anyone – I am pretty content with my lot in life. However, I do think Natalie Portman seems like someone who I could happily spend a day as!

    9. What is your favourite song?
    The song that never fails to lift my spirits is Angel of Harlem by U2. I never ever skip it.

    10. What would your last meal be if you could choose anything?
    I think it would have to be my Mum’s Shepherd’s Pie, followed by a massive slice of perfect lemon meringue pie!

    11. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
    Probably attempting to go shark diving (in a cage) in South Africa. Scared the life out of me and I’m not too sure I’d do it again, given the choice!

Tell us what you think!